Detaching from the Outcome


    How many of you are struggling with trying to control every little damn thing in your life– so attached to the outcome of how you THINK something needs to happen?

I’ve struggled with this for the vast majority of my life!

But with the help and support of some amazing individuals, I am learning the freedom in letting go.

I am replacing my need to control the outcome and control people around me with being PRESENT.

& I’ll tell you a little secret.. obsessing about something DOES NOT get you what you want!

In fact, it does exactly the opposite!

When you focus your energy and time on everything that is NOT going your way, you only attract more of that into your life.

When you are constantly trying to “fix” people and manipulate situations into turning out EXACTLY how you want them, you are only going to end up frustrated and unfulfilled.

When we’re so attached to something, we greatly diminish or reduce ALL possible outcomes for ourselves– the outcomes that may end up serving us best in the end.

We reduce the flow of what is and we miss out on beautiful opportunities for growth.

There is so much beauty in the art of letting go and detaching. 

When you can learn to focus on what IS going your way and what you DO have to be grateful for, you will only bring more of that into your life; you will attract more of that abundance into your life!

The key to attracting your desires is to release them.

Accept situations for what they are, and move on with grace.

Take responsibility for your life, and take action on what you CAN change.

& SURRENDER to what is. Allow the universe to take you where you are meant to go.

This is what Deepak Choprah would call “The Law of Least Effort.”


And I want to tell you guys about some steps you can take to adopt this mindset!


  1. Observe nature. Nothing in nature is forced or in resistance. It just grows and exists with an effortless ease. Take notes.
  2. TRUST and have faith in the universe that you are exactly where you need to be, and you will end up exactly where you need to end up. Trust that everything is happening FOR you and not TO you. Don’t resist reality and what is. Your pain is essential to your journey– your pain is your power.
  3. Fight the urge to react.. & I know.. there are a lotsss of people who are probably not your cup of tea, but realize that you cannot control them. When you react negatively or try to control someone, you will only end up in a lower state of vibration. Instead of reacting, allow yourself the spaciousness to slow down; recognize that everyone is on their own path, and the only thing you truly have control over is yourself.
  4. Accept your feelings for what they are; understand that you will not always be happy. EVERYONE has bad days. If you try to numb out your feelings, they will only come back more aggressively in the future. Observe your feelings without judgement, see them as clouds passing in the sky. Do not identify with them. Let them flow through you and then let them go and move on.
  5. BE PRESENT. I can’t stress this one enough. Meditate, write a gratitude list, do some breathwork, go on a long walk, journal, etc. Don’t make yourself anxious about something that hasn’t even happened yet, because then you will only call that in. We have absolutely NO control over the future. Read that again. And yes, that may sound scary, but it is also so liberating!! The only thing that matters is THIS present moment, so make it as beautiful and as worthy as you can. ❤



As I learn to let go…

I come back into the beautiful vessel of my body.

I release control.

I am present and grounded.

I am surrounded by beauty.

I am abundant and whole.

I am exactly where I need to be.

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